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Shockwave Spell1

Earth Evocation

Traditions arcane, primal

Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal

Area 15-foot cone

Saving Throw Reflex

You create a wave of energy that ripples through the earth.

Terrestrial creatures in the affected area must attempt a Reflex save to avoid stumbling as the shockwave shakes the ground.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature is flat-footed until the start of its next turn.

Failure The creature falls prone.

Critical Failure As failure, plus the creature takes 1d6 damage.

Heightened (+1) The area increases by 5 feet (to a 20-foot cone at 2nd level, and so on).

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Lost Omens Gods & Magic (Second Edition) © 2020, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Adducci, Amirali Attar Olyaee, Calder CaDavid, James Case, Adam Daigle, Katina Davis, Leo Glass, Joshua Grinlinton, James Jacobs, Virginia Jordan, Jason Keeley, Jacky Leung, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Stephanie Lundeen, Jacob W. Michaels, Matt Morris, Dave Nelson, Samantha Phelan, Jennifer Povey, Jessica Redekop, Nathan Reinecke, Patrick Renie, David N. Ross, Simone D. Sallé, Michael Sayre, David Schwartz, Shahreena Shahrani, Isabelle Thorne, Marc Thuot, Jason Tondro, and Diego Valdez.

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